
Energy Update

Week of October 12th, 2022

Hey daydreamers and welcome to your energy update for the week of October 12th. I've already pulled the cards, so let's dive in and talk about the energy that I am feeling. 

So when I was shuffling the cards, a warm hug came around me and it felt like I was so supported and loved and seen. So the message is that you are protected and loved beyond what you even know what you can even imagine. And when I say that, I mean that in the way of, you have people on the other side who are loving and supporting you, you have the divine love and support. And also you have the support of a relationship, if you're in a relationship. And if you're not, you have a soul coming to you. I don't know if it is necessarily your forever soul or if it is just passing through and bringing lessons for each of you to teach and learn from each other. 

This first card is our root chakra, and it is holistic health. And first, I feel like there might be two parts to this one, there might be a group of people who are getting information back from their doctors, I think that's how I want to put it, it's like you're getting test results back and in your gut, it just doesn't feel in alignment. It's the test results, it has to be true, but it just doesn't feel like your truth. And I'm hearing go elsewhere or look at a bigger picture than what they're looking at. For the second group on this one, if you don't have a health issue, and you're like, it's look holistically at your life, because there are things that you are sweeping under the rug or saying that you will do tomorrow. But you need to do the things, you need to make your whole  list stick, as in, every part of your life matters. And you have to stop putting the things off until tomorrow. 

Okay, then our first energy card is water. And what I'm feeling for this card is this feeling of stagnation, like you wanted to get things going, you were ready for the next step, you were ready for the change, you were ready for what was new, but like you couldn't get the wheels on the bus moving. And it feels very much right now, as if like the dam has been broken, new energy is coming through big changes are coming through like a lot is coming for you. A lot is coming in this last quarter of the year. Because it's actually preparing you to be able to have the 2022 that you are looking for that you have been manifesting calling in and energetically aligning with for the past like three months. So if a lot is coming at you just know that it is like of the highest frequency and is the absolute best. What's meant to be is coming and like allowance. 

Secrets is our other card for this week. It almost just feels like the truth is coming out. There's an analogy that my mother used to always use, which I love. And she's like, everything will come out in the wash, like just put it in the wash and see what comes out. And like that's the energy that I'm feeling is that like, there has been a circumstances situation, something happening in your life. And it just seemed like not all of the pieces were fitting together. And you were like, Huh, and it almost feels like the cycle of the washing machine is over. Like the truth is coming out, the decisions are going to be made. And it's like allow the last spin cycle to happen. Sit in the discomfort if that's what you're feeling. Sit in the comfort if that's what you're feeling, but like, know that the truth is coming out and the answers you've been looking for are coming and in the moment, the cycle of the washing machine is over. Like the truth is coming out the decisions are going to be made. And it's like allow the last spin cycle to happen. Sit in the discomfort if that's what you're feeling. Sit in the comfort if that's what you're feeling but like know that the truth is coming out and the answers you've been looking for are coming and in the moment some of you may not be getting the answers you want. But know that they're always of the highest light and loving good. 

I hope that these cards resonated with you It feels like a lot of good things are coming and I'm just sending you all so so much like and love and I'll see you next week. 

Journal time:

Respond to the following prompts as a guide for your healing this week.

What is one thing in my life that needs more love?

How can I show myself more love?


Energy Update

Week of October 4th, 2021

Cards pulled: Universal Light, Cerridwyn - Potential, and Epona - Wise Leadership

Hey daydreamers, let's get an energy update for what to expect for this upcoming week of October, can you believe that it is October already? Let's dive in. 

I feel that we need to treat October like the new month that it is. August and September has held a lot of energy for people. And there has been a lot of taking and releasing and old and new and just stuff, let's call it what it is - stuff. It is time for us to fully accept that this is a new month, we have to show up in a new way we don't have to bring with the last two months have been carrying for us into this next phase. And into this last phase of this year as well. 

Let's pull some goddess cards to see what other other energy is going to come through for us. I'm feeling some sensations around my heart chakra while I dive into this deck of cards. And I almost feel like there's a lot of release happening for us. And when I say that, I mean past versions, past selves, past relationships, it's a phasing out of old energy. And that's okay. Allow yourself to have that space, give yourself the grace to allow the release to happen. Okay, well, we have our cards. 

So the first card is universal light. This lesson is associated with your solar plexus chakra. I'm really clearly getting from this card that you are the light that you are looking for in the world. So if it feels like you're not yourself lately, or you've lost your motivation, or you're unsure of the direction that you're moving in, you are looking externally for people or signs or information, but it's all in you. What do you feel you need to change about your current reality to make it so that you are shining up the vibration that you want to be? Does this mean that you need to change your diet? Does it mean that you need to change who you're hanging out with? Does it mean that you need to have a morning practice and ritual? Are you meditating? Are you staying up on all of the things that you had promised yourself that you were going to do in this year? It's almost like go back to your New Year's resolutions that you set in January. How far away are you from those? And what can you do to get back on track with being that person that you thought you wanted to be and in alignment with you. What parts of your life you need to implement to be able to fully step into this full energy? Find the light within yourself because we all have that internal flame. And sometimes it's really small, and sometimes it's really big, but ignite your flame and allow it to glow because you are going to be the change in the world.

So the next one we have is potential. And what I'm feeling for this card is that the year is not over. What I'm feeling for this card is that the year is not over. Let me say that again. It is October, the year is not over, we still have three full months. And what I mean by that is, I think so often we just start looking at the next year at this point in our calendar. And we almost discredit these three months and we let them slip away from us or we fall away from doing the practices rituals that we need to and want to do to continue on our path. I always think of these months as prepping myself for the next part of the year. So what do you want for 2022? What could you be implementing in your life now, so that they're already habits and behaviors so that you could go into this next phase of yourself in this next lunar year, and allow yourself to just fully bloom and blossom.

The last quarter of the year that we just finished was hard. We were getting our hands dirty doing the hard work. This next chapter can be lighter, playful, imaginative. Start looking with a playful eye to what it is that you might want or desire or be looking for your future self. 

Okay, the last card is leadership. And this is actually a really interesting message that's coming through. And it might resonate with some of you, and it might not resonate with others. And that is completely fine. But it's a topic that I actually have been talking about in my women's group with my women, my soul sisters, and it's this topic of shifting energy circles. 

And what I mean by that is, it's okay, if the people who used to follow us to look up to us to admire are no longer inspiring you anymore. And it's okay to shift to new people, it's okay to release the version of yourself that connected to them. And these might be people who are on social media that you don't even know but you love consuming their content, or it might be people who are actually in your life. But I feel like we need to look at who our leaders are, and make sure that they're leading us down a path that we want to go on. So I don't feel like this is necessarily internal leadership. It's who are you following, externally? And are they still in alignment for you? And I'm not saying that there's anything bad, right? These people are probably still absolutely spectacular humans. In the last quarter there was a lot of stuff being released, there's a lot of mucking it out, mucking out the stalls. And it's like, you're a different person now. And that's okay. 

Sometimes we change and we release the people who we were surrounding ourselves with to create space for the next version of ourselves to be able to call in people who support that. But don't have guilt around feeling like you might want to release some people in your life because some people who were leaders may not be your leaders anymore, but there's still people for that. I hope this resonated with you. I hope this clarifies give some permission opens us up to this amazing last final quarter of the year that we are going into and just the abundance of potential that we have going into this quarter. Have a beautiful day. 

Journal time:

Respond to the following prompts as a guide for your healing this week.

What is no longer serving me?

What do I want more of in my life?


Energy Update

Week of September 6th, 2021

Cards pulled: Life Purpose - third eye chakra, Gaia - Mother Earth, and Parvati - devotion.

Hey Daydreamers,

Ready for your next energy update? Let’s see what’s in the cards and what we can expect in the next week.

The first thing I want to talk about actually has nothing to do with these cards. It’s something that has been coming up through conversations recently. You might be having these very unique dreams in the past week; where people and situations from your past have been showing up but you are your current self and you are confused why you’re there. This is the universe showing you what an alternate path in your life could have looked like and giving you opportunity to heal from the past. This could look like a past relationship that you left and your life has grown, or friendships that were limiting you. My friend put it in the most beautiful way; it’s like bubbles coming up to the surface so they can burst and the energy that was trapped within us can be released. So if you’re experiencing anything like that, it is totally normal. You are not alone if you’ve been having these kind of dreams. 

Okay, let’s look at the cards. The first card is Life Purpose and it is connected with the third eye chakra. The message that’s coming in with this is the imbalance people may be feeling in what they are currently doing. Or they may be looking at where they saw their life going and thinking they don’t know if that’s where they want to go anymore. So, have a childlike curiosity and exploration to go forward in these next 3-4 weeks, let September be your playground. Look at the things you love, look at what it could be like if chose to change your life, look at what would happen if you allowed your third eye chakra open up and see a future that feels limitless and full of love, potential, and joy. See what steps you could start taking today to let that path grow and live fully in that life. If you don’t make changes or speak up or ask for what you want, you might feel constrained or a desire to leave. Change is coming and that is a beautiful thing at the end of the year.

The next card is Gaia, Mother Earth. This almost plays hand in hand with the third eye chakra card - life purpose. Fertility is reaching a peak and we can talk about that in different terms. Fertility of new ideas, promotions, businesses, jobs, career-wise it is a very fertile time to make moves and explore new things. But also if you’re looking at expanding your family, this is a fertile time. If you’ve been questioning whether or not you should expand your family, I’m hearing yes. So if that resonates with you, I think it’s time to open the door and start having those conversations with your partner. If that’s not what you are looking for, an accidental pregnancy is not what I’m seeing. It’s only coming through for those who have had the idea gnawing at the back of their minds because the universe is open to giving that to you. 

Ask and be ready to receive. 

Manifestation, starting next week, will be at an all time high. The universe wants to bring everything we’ve been asking for, for the past year or so leading up to this. The year is almost over, come and get what you want! Remember those new year resolutions and goals you set and go after them. Don’t hide from you’re looking for.

The last card is Parvati - devotion. She’s one of my favorite cards. This is a two-fold card. The first part is, if you have a spiritual/devotional practice and it’s been lacking, this is a gentle reminder to reconnect and dive back in because it’s so important and helps us feel grounded as humans. The one one is: be devotional to yourself. Check in with yourself and ask questions like is this really what you want to be doing, does this make me feel fully alive and walking through life as the highest version of myself OR is this taking energy from me, do I feel lethargic or angry or unaligned after, if so start seeing if you can weed some of those things out of your life so you can live a life full of excitement and joy. Be devotional and intentional about your energy, your time, and who you are so that you can live the fullest life possible.

I hope this reading aligned with you. If you need any assistance opening that third eye chakra and jump into what your life may be, the third eye chakra tea is for you. 

Have a beautiful week!

Journal time:

Respond to the following prompts as a guide for your healing this week.

Where do I envision myself growing?

What goals have I set for myself this year and what steps can I take to achieve those goals?

What change am I afraid of in my life?

I am worthy of love and capable of healing.-3.png

Energy Update

Week of August 30th, 2021

Cards pulled: Root Chakra - Abundance, Kuan Yin - Compassion, Persephone - Inexperience

Good morning Daydreamers,

The first card that has come through is the Root chakra card for abundance. It is speaking to two groups of people. One group is about to step into a windfall. There’s something you have been pushing off and procrastinating doing, like a conversation. But, it’s going to bring in more abundance than you expect. Ironically, because you were pushing it off, there was more time to manifest an abundance and therefore more will be coming to you than you might have expected. The second group on the other hand, is blocking the abundance coming from you. It feels like the block is in your mind but it’s actually in your root chakra. You’re not feeling grounded or connected in your life right now. So whenever an opportunity for abundance knocks on your door, you shut it out because it seems scary to welcome the abundance and the change that comes with it. For this group, it’s important to open the root chakra and release the block so you can allow the abundance to flow through you. Tune into the root chakra and try to notice how it feels. Does it feel tight and contracted or expanded and bloated? Or does it feel grounded and comfortable to stay in that energy? This will guide you to where you should go next.

The next card pulled is Kuan Yin and compassion. Here there are no groups, rather it is speaking to the collective. Things may be coming up in your life in order to be healed. These may be things we thought we had already dealt with or worked through, but they are resurfacing now to show us how much we have grown since you last worked on it and to remind us that grief and healing are continuous journeys. There is no point of completion when it comes to this work of healing, we are always going through the ebbs and flows of healing our bodies and souls from the experiences they’ve been through. It’s a reminder to have compassion for yourself and for those around you. You may find yourself snapping at something or someone and being taken aback because you thought you had grown from that quality, but this is life, it’s okay to forgive yourself and continue moving forward. 

Get ready, this next one is a dense energy. The card pulled is Persephone and inexperience. It feels like you’re building up stories that aren’t true. This is very strong. It feels like you’ve been preparing your whole life for this moment of time you’re in. You’ve been doing the work, educating yourself, and now you’re taking yourself out at the knees by thinking things like “I’m not ready”, “I can’t do this”, “Who am I?”, “Look at everyone else!”. Stop comparing yourself to others, you’re exactly where you’re supposed to be, you’ve done everything you need to do this and get to this place. You’re supposed to step up and into things if you’re feeling called to them, if you’re not feeling drawn to it then don’t, but don’t let the ego or self-doubt, or a wounded version of yourself not allow you to share your light with the world. If you have something that feels so close to your heart, so in alignment that you have been working for - this could even be a job, say you’ve graduated college and you have a degree in something, don’t hold yourself back by saying you’re not good enough for this job. YES you are! If you’re heart is feeling called to it, GO! At least take your turn at bat, step up to the plate and see what happens because you won’t fail, you’ll only learn what to do better next time if you don’t get the outcome you’re expecting. It almost feels like the opposite of the card, it feels like you need to go do the thing you are drawn to because you are ready and prepared and in alignment for it. So don’t hold yourself back. 

So remember, abundance is coming and stop blocking it if you are, I know I have blocked it before. Have compassion for yourself when old versions of you show up. Stop blocking yourself from going for what you want, you’ve been working your whole life for it and you’re so ready! 

I hope you have a beautiful week and if this resonates with you, leave a comment below with your story - whether it’s how you’ve seen an old version of yourself come up or what your heart is being drawn to! 

Journal time:

Respond to the following prompts as a guide for your healing this week.

What does money mean to me? What fears do I have around money?

What am I scared of doing in my life?

Where am I withholding love from myself?

Energy Update

Monday, August 23rd 2021

Cards pulled: Relationships, Goddess Gula - Healing, Aphrodite - Romantic Love

Good morning Daydreamers,

This week’s energy is centered on the sacral chakra and directed towards relationships and healing. For those of you currently in a relationship, there may be miscommunication and disconnect this week leaving you feeling misunderstood by your partner. This is not a signal of the end of the relationship but rather an agitation that is opening the door for healing old wounds. If you are not currently in a relationship, you are being called to heal these wounds in order to ready yourself for a future relationship free of questioning your partner or vice versa. 

The goddess Gula has come up in the energy reading and she is inviting healing. The wounds created in past relationships from childhood trauma, bullying, cheating, not being seen, or being taken for granted have created deep feeling of unworthiness. These wounds are brought up this week and it’s time to heal them. Your partner may be a trigger for bringing up these feelings, but it’s not about them - they are the spur creating the opportunity to heal and grow. 

Aphrodite is the goddess of romantic love and she shows up this week to channel this healing into the arena of love and open the doors to deeper connection. If you are single, you may have been experiencing a goldilocks-type situation where partners have not been fulfilling your needs or expectations. This is because your sacral chakra has been closed down and not allowing the energy of the right person to come through. By focusing on healing from these old wounds, you are restoring the flow of energy through the sacral chakra and may find the happy ending to your goldilocks story. 

Journal time:

Respond to the following prompt as a guide for your healing this week.

Where in my life am I withholding love from myself?