Golden Light Healing

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Golden Light Healing


What is golden Light?

Golden Light Healing is an effective, powerful, and transformative modality adapted by Haley Cole. Golden Light Healing focuses on awakening the Christ-consciousness/Buddha-consciousness (the Golden Light within) to clear, heal, and activate the energetic body. This in turn aligns us with our highest self and our purpose. Here, we also work with the healing power of the elements, as well as spirit guides and light rays, to heal inner child wounds, heal ancestral trauma, activate spiritual DNA, perform womb healings, clear the chakras, heal past lives, awaken & deepen your intuition, and more.

What is included in a session:

Before your call Dakota will do an healing on you for 30-45 minutes

You will receive a 45 minute zoom call with Dakota

On the call Dakota will walk you through everything that came up in your healing

Answer any questions that you might have

Help guid you to set up a plan to support you in your healing.


I am not a licensed Therapist, Physician, Nutritionist of any sort, my insight comes with my ability to connect with your energy space.

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